Home Additions That Help Your House Grow with You

Various seasons that life has to offer create change over the years. For many, these changes include growth through marriage and children or having other family members move in under your roof. There’s come a time at which growth can leave your home feeling a little cramped. Adding onto your home could be a good way to help it grow with you and not move somewhere else.

In-Law Suite
It’s hard to deny just how much use you can get out of an in-law suite. In-law suites typically have their own private bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and separate entrance. They are sometimes a part of the main house, other times they are a separate building on the property. These are great spaces that you can rent out to your parents, siblings, or even married children who need a little extra help finding somewhere suitable to live.

An Extra Bedroom
You don’t always need a whole living suite in order to help your home grow with you. Sometimes just adding an extra bedroom will do. There may be a few existing spaces in your home that you could convert into a spare bedroom. The attic, garage, basement, or even a covered patio can all be viable options. Just make sure that wherever you choose will be a suitable location. Most building codes will require bedrooms to have at least one window to the outside and a door opening into the house to provide at least two fire escape routes. Check your county provisions to learn more about what your home specifically needs.

An Extra Bathroom
If you find that your family is always jockeying for a position when it comes to time using the bathroom, adding an extra could help alleviate some of the stress you all experience trying to get out the door in the morning. Bathroom additions can be a pricey route, mostly because you’ll need to add plumbing and electrical to support it. Then there are things like countertops, toilets, baths, and showers that can add onto the price tag as well. Still, the improved function that space can offer your home makes it all worth it.

Sure, you always have the option of looking for a new home that fits your growing family. On the other hand, if you don’t want to deal with the insanity that the housing market is currently experiencing, you also have the option of adding onto your existing home. That can be a great way to help your home grow with you so you don’t outgrow it and move.

Ready to remodel your home? Contact us today.